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Showing posts with the label inflammation

Plug into Nature: How Earthing Can Recharge Your Body & Mind

If you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. - Nikola Tesla If you're tired of feeling inflamed and frustrated, you need to know that popping pills isn't your only option! Believe it or not, the solution might be as simple as putting your bare feet on the ground. This Earth month, I'm gonna give you a prescription free alternative that most doctors won't recommend and costs $0. Earthing , also known as grounding, is gaining popularity for its potential to boost your mood, reduce pain, and improve sleep – all by reconnecting with the Earth's natural energy. Mounting evidence suggests that the Earth's negative potential can create a stable internal bioelectrical environment for the normal functioning of all body systems. Here's how it works: When in contact with the ground, the negative charges from the earth’s surface travel up the body and reduce or neutralize the number of these positive charges

From Farm to Gut: Can Glyphosate Residue Disrupt Your Digestion?

We all want to put healthy food on our families' tables, but what if the very foods we trust are harboring hidden dangers? Glyphosate, a controversial patented weedkiller owned by Monsanto, and banned in other countries, is raising concerns about its potential impact on our health, and it's time to take a closer look. Glyphosate is an herbicide found in RoundUp, the popular pesticide used by many in agriculture and in our gardens and lawns. Increasing evidence shows that glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides disrupt the bodies natural functioning capabilities by exhibiting cytotoxic and genotoxic effects, increase oxidative stress, disrupt the estrogen pathway, impair some cerebral functions, and allegedly correlate with some cancers. Long story short, this is a disaster in the making for human health. And not only is this herbicide found in our household pr oducts, it can be found in common food products, including: Oats and Grains: Granola bars and Cereal's that con

The Most Important System In The Body And Why It's Overlooked

Did you know that your body possesses an intricate network responsible for maintaining a number of responsibilities including immune function, toxin removal, and even transporting essential nutrients? Unlike the cardiovascular system, which circulates blood throughout our body, the interstitial fluid in the lymph system doesn't flow on its own. It requires us to be in motion so that the muscles can push the lymphatic fluid throughout our body, helping us eliminate waste from our tissues through sweat, urine, bowels, breath, and even menstruation. A stuck life is a stuck lymph and we are not meant to be stagnant beings. In this blog, we will unravel the mysteries of this often overlooked but remarkable system, shedding light on its vital role in keeping our bodies healthy and vibrant. Just like changing your car's engine oil regularly is mandatory for optimal performance, maintaining your lymphatic system is just as crucial for optimal health and well being. Picture this: you

5 Reasons To Rejuvenate Your Body With Key Lime Water

Using key lime water will revitalize your body! This delicious and cooling beverage has several health advantages and is the ideal way to start the day. The abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids in key lime water can support general health and wellbeing. Moreover, it can support a healthy digestive system, enhance skin health, and even lessen inflammation. It's not just wonderfully healthful; it's also super simple to make and tastes great either hot or cold. Here are five good reasons to choose key lime water as your preferred beverage for a stronger, more energized body: 1. Improves Digestive Health:  By promoting nutrition absorption and fat digestion, key lime water can help to improve digestion. Moreover, it might lessen gas and bloating and aid constipation. Key limes have numerous benefits for intestinal health. Secondly, the high quantities of vitamin C may aid in enhancing nutrient absorption. This can ensure that the food you eat gives your bo