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From Farm to Gut: Can Glyphosate Residue Disrupt Your Digestion?

We all want to put healthy food on our families' tables, but what if the very foods we trust are harboring hidden dangers? Glyphosate, a controversial patented weedkiller owned by Monsanto, and banned in other countries, is raising concerns about its potential impact on our health, and it's time to take a closer look.

Glyphosate is an herbicide found in RoundUp, the popular pesticide used by many in agriculture and in our gardens and lawns. Increasing evidence shows that glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides disrupt the bodies natural functioning capabilities by exhibiting cytotoxic and genotoxic effects, increase oxidative stress, disrupt the estrogen pathway, impair some cerebral functions, and allegedly correlate with some cancers. Long story short, this is a disaster in the making for human health. And not only is this herbicide found in our household pr
oducts, it can be found in common food products, including:
  • Oats and Grains: Granola bars and Cereal's that contain oats like Cheerio's, 
  • Wheat products: Pizza, crackers, and pasta
  • Beans: Chickpeas, lentils, peas
  • Corn
  • Popular orange juice brands like Tropicana, Minute Maid, Signature Farms, Kirkland Brans, Stater Bros,
  • Formula Milk
  • Honey
  • Soy: This was GMO'd to be able to withstand Glyphosates. 
The problem with this commercially used product is that it comes with a plethora of health issues that impact our overall health and well-being. Let me explain why glyphosates pose a huge risk to our health. Our immune system has the continuous task of identifying and eliminating pathogens and foreign invaders from the body. What makes it more vital is that 80% of our immune system is stored in our gut. Our gut microbiome contains billions of the beneficial “good” bacteria that are responsible for a number of responsibilities including mood regulation, cognitive function, and immune function. When there is an imbalance in the gut resulting in an overabundance of bad bacteria, our internal systems are thrown into dysbiosis.  Environmental pollutants insecticides or herbicides as glyphosate produce intestinal dysbiosis. When you look at how this pesticide is manufactured into the foods we're eating, it makes sense why there is an increase in the number of diagnosed chronic and autoimmune diseases. This poison accumulates in the gut and destroys the beneficial bacteria responsible for keeping us well. Consuming foods sprayed with glyphosates literally poison the body by destroying the bodies elimination processes. It also acts as an antibiotic, literally destroying the beneficial bacteria required to keep us healthy. Glyphosates consumption prevents the body from properly disposing of whatever is making the body sick. Over time, this prolonged inflammatory response leads to where autoimmune diseases come into play, but we'll save that topic for another day.

Glyphosates not only destroy gut health, which destroys our immune system, but it also wreaks havoc in the environment. Moreover, it has been confirmed that Gly has the capacity to contaminate aquatic ecosystems. RoundUp was originally patented as a de-scaler to clean the mineral build up in pipes and boilers in manufacturing factories. To be a chemist for a brief moment, this is a chelating agent, meaning it binds to the nutrients in the soil, preventing the plants from absorbing them. Aquatic species, bees and the butterflies are also impacted as the plants cant grow if there’s no nutrients in the soil to bind to. Many of the foods we eat today contain little to no nutrients because this herbicide is heavily sprayed, leaving crops minerally depleted. The EWG reported that nearly 90% of children have detectable levels of this toxic herbicide in their urine. Corn, wheat, corn and soy fed cattle and chicken, all contain glyphosates, which is often associated with digestive problems and health issues such as liver and kidney disease, reproductive issues, and even cancers. It is worth emphasizing that glyphosates directly induce neurotoxicity in the Central Nervous System (CNS). It only makes sense why there's so many minerally depleted people running to the doctor with health issues compared to the previous generations.

I don't like talking about problems without at least looking to offer possible solutions. Here are a few ways you can remove Glyphosates from the body:

  • Fasting: Fasting eliminates dietary intake, a major source of glyphosate exposure. This can potentially removed stored toxins like glyphosate for excretion, but more studies are needed to confirm this for glyphosate specifically.
  • Foods/Herbs/Veggies: Organic Meats, Dandelion greens and root, Burdock roots and leaves, other cruciferous veggies like cabbage, onions, broccoli Barberry, Activated Charcoal & Bentonite Clay (Take both on empty stomach)
  • Minerals: Fulvic acid sources like Shilajit


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