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Showing posts from April, 2023

5 Natural Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Hey guys, it's no secret that stress and anxiety can be overwhelming and impact our lives negatively. But the good news is that there are several natural remedies that can help to reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress. In this blog post, we will share five realistic and easy ways to manage this to help you feel better. What Causes Stress and Anxiety? Stress and anxiety are emotions that are usually brought on by physical and emotional stimuli. They can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive issues, and elevated blood pressure, among others. While it can be caused by a lot of things, it's different for everyone. For me, sometimes it's just the little things that add up, like a to-do list that's too long or a deadline that's approaching. Other times, it's bigger stuff, like a major life change or a meeting a project deadline at work. But regardless of what's causing it, I know that stress and anxiety can really take a toll on my mental and physic

Unplug from Caffeine: The Ultimate Guide to Herbal Alternatives

I hate to break it to all the coffee lovers, but the reality is that caffeine in large doses does substantial damage to the body over time. It's not uncommon to see a Starbucks line completely wrapped around the building on any given day, but we really have to stop and ask ourselves, what is it about the coffee itself that keeps people gridlocked in the drive thru? Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed stimulants around the world. It's found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, soda, and chocolate, just to name a few. While it can provide a temporary boost of energy and increase alertness, it can also contribute to a host of health issues if consumed excessively. In this blog, we will discuss the link between caffeine and mental health. We'll also recommend a mineral packed herbal blend that mimics the taste of coffee, without the caffeine! Caffeine and Anxiety Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and increases the levels of cortisol in the body, which, in excess

Navigating the Sea Moss Market: Wildcrafted vs. Pool Grown

Species: Wildcrafted Gracilaria from Tanzania      When shopping around for the superfood sea moss, it is important to understand the difference between wild harvested or wildcrafted and pool grown sea moss. This sea algae can be found along the Atlantic Ocean's rocky shores between North America and Europe. Other seaweed and algae species, including sea moss variations, flourish in warmer ocean waters in the Caribbean, South America, Asia, and Africa. This nutrient dense sea vegetable is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. There are two main types of sea moss available in the market: wildcrafted and pool-grown. In this blog, we will compare the differences between these two types of sea moss. Wildcrafted sea moss is harvested directly from the ocean and is considered to be of highest quality as it is grown in its natural environment. Pool Grown Sea Moss      On the other hand, pool-grown sea moss is

Uncovering Big Pharma's Motives: Why They're Against Natural Remedies

     The United States has the highest rate of prescription drug use in the world, with nearly 70% of Americans prescribed at least one pharmaceutical drug. Big Pharma spends a lot of money marketing to doctors and patients alike. Pharmaceutical drugs are known to have dangerous side effects such as brain fog, weight gain, and even death.With so many Americans taking medication for something, there's bound to be some serious side effects. The pharmaceutical industry is worth billions of dollars, $1.48 trillion as of 2021 to be exact, and it's no secret that prescription drug sales generate a sizable profit. However, there is growing concern that the industry may not be looking out for our best interests and may not want us to heal ourselves. In this blog, I will briefly summarize why: Profit Motive: The profit motive is the most obvious reason why Big Pharma does not want us to heal ourselves. The pharmaceutical industry is a for-profit industry, with companies striving to max

Breaking the Beauty Myth: The Toxic Truth About Hair Relaxers

Client receiving chemical hair relaxer treatment They say beauty is pain, but I don't believe it should cost you your health. Personally, my twin sister and I had the unfortunate experience of getting chemical relaxers every eight weeks since the age of 16. My mother had to work and maintain our household and our 4C kinky, coily hair was extremely difficult to manage on top of having to handle her own roots. I distinctly remember the foul odor of the chemical and the gradual burning sensation of my scalp intensify as my mother had to quickly apply it throughout my hair. It doesn't bring up fond memories. Even throughout undergrad, we continued getting relaxers due to convenience and not having the proper education on how to take care of chemically treated hair. It wasn't until I woke up one morning during my junior year of college that I discovered a patch of hair that was missing in the back of my head. After having a complete meltdown, I realized I needed to put an end to